Callbacks vs. Promises in JavaScript

If you’re new to JavaScript and have a hard time trying to understand how promises work, hopefully this article will assist you in understanding them more clearly. With that said, this article is aimed at those who are a little unsure about promises. This post won’t be going over executing promises using async/await (although they’re the same … Read more

how to manage HTML DOM with vanilla JavaScript only?

GitHub 01 — Add or remove class from an elementbasic 02 — Allow to enter particular characters onlyintermediate 03 — Append to an elementbasic 04 — Attach or detach an event handlerbasic 05 — Calculate the size of scrollbarintermediate 06 — Change the website faviconintermediate 07 — Check an element against a selectorbasic 08 — Check if an element has given classbasic 09 — Check if an element is a descendant of anotherbasic … Read more

CSS Viewport Units

CSS Viewport units have been around for the last few years, and by time, I see them being used more and more by developers. Their benefit lies in providing us with a way to size things in a fluid and dynamic way, without the need to use JavaScript. Also, it’s easy to provide a fallback … Read more

How To Create A Headless WordPress Site On The JAMstack

In the first article of this series, we walked through Smashing Magazine’s journey from WordPress to the JAMstack. We covered the reasons for the change, the benefits that came with it, and hurdles that were encountered along the way. Like any large engineering project, the team came out the other end knowing more about the spectrum of … Read more